Popular-science event in Museum of Polar Research in Puławy

Popular-science event in Museum of Polar Research in Puławy

Popular-science event in Museum of Polar Research in Puławy

 Popular-science event in Museum of Polar Research in Puławy

Thursday, March 7
8:00-11:00 Breakfast

11:00-14:00, 4 open lectures (10 min. each)

• Co się dzieje na plażach Arktyki? – dr Zuzanna ŚWIRAD, IGF PAN
• Lodowce na podsłuchu, czyli o badaniach podwodnych dźwięków Arktyki – dr hab. Oskar GŁOWACKI, IGF PAN
• Lodowce – “święte krowy” – dr hab. Mateusz MOSKALIK, IGF PAN
• Woda słodka ukryta w dnie morskim – dr hab. Beata Szymczycha, IO PAN



Closing meeting of the ArcticSGD project in Svalbard cont.

Closing meeting of the ArcticSGD project in Svalbard cont.

Closing meeting of the ArcticSGD project in Svalbard cont.

Glaciers and permafrost create freshwater flows on the Svalbard seafloor, changing water and sediment chemistry. Scientists showed how our frozen landscape affects the hidden world at the bottom of fjords filled with unique and rarely seen animals.
The presenters were Beata Szymczycha (Associate Professor at Polish Academy of Sciences), Wei Li Hong (Associate Professor at Stockholm University), Sophie ten Hietbrink (PhD candidate at Stockholm University) and Arunima Sen (Associate Professor at UNIS).